Garden Club of America
Zone I Positions
2019 -2021
Zone Director Carla Morey, Milton Garden Club
Zone Chairman Helen Glaenzer, North Shore GC of
Zone Vice Chairman Stacey McCarthy, Chestnut Hill GC
Nominating Rep Bet Baker, Cohasset Garden Club
Admissions Zone Rep Elizabeth Meyer, Cambridge Plant & GC
Awards Zone Rep Peggy Rusnock, Milton Garden Club
Boston Committee Chairman A rabella Dane, North Shore GC
Bulletin Zone Rep Deborah Twombly, Piscataqua GC
Communications Zone Rep Barclay Jackson, Piscataqua GC
Conservation/NAL Zone Rep C hristy Millet, Noanett Garden Club
Floral Design Zone Rep Katie Barrack, Fox Hill Garden Club
Founders Fund Zone Rep Ruth Furman, GC of Buzzards Bay
Garden History & Design Rep Gloria McMahon, Lenox Garden Club
Horticulture Zone Rep Debra Deres, Lenox Garden Club
Judging Zone Rep Libby Moore, Little Compton GC
Photography Zone Rep Christine Paxhia, Milton Garden Club
Program Zone Rep Jeanne Burlingame, Beacon Hill GC
Scholarship Zone Rep Ginger Schwartz, Lenox Garden Club
Visiting Gardens Zone Rep Peggy Reiser Cooney, Chestnut Hill GC